Energy Healer, Intuitive, & Spiritual Teacher

Intuition Development
Learn to develop your intuitive and mediumship abilities.
Become aware of your inner knowing
to receive clear guidance and messages
from your Higher Self and the Spirit World,
for yourself and others.
Upcoming Group Workshop
Starts June 5th
Meeting 6 Sundays
@ 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Via Zoom Video Conference
Meeting Dates:
Day 1: Sunday, June 5th, 2022
Day 2: Sunday, June 12th, 2022
Day 3: Sunday, June 26th, 2022
Day 4: Sunday, July 10th, 2022
Day 5: Sunday, July 17th, 2022
Day 6: Sunday, July 24th, 2022
Registration Cost
Topics Discussed:
Understand, develop, and practice Psychic (intuitive) skills
Experience seeing, feeling, knowing, hearing, tasting, and smelling energy through a series of exercises​
Identify your strongest psychic gifts and develop them.
Seeing and Sensing the Human Auric field​
Channeling Divine Guidance
Meet your spirit team and create strong relationships, including healthy boundaries
Understand, develop, and practice Mediumship skills​
Learn how to bring forth spirit's messages clearly, accurately, and validating​
Workshop Includes:​
Workshop Workbook
with all information discussed in class,
so that you can review, study, and use for future reference. ​​
Intuition Development Workshop is for:​​
Beginners. No previous experience necessary.
Anyone seeking to enhance their intuition to receive clear guidance from their spirit team.
Anyone wanting to get clear guidance towards their life purpose.
Anyone wanting to better their current energy healing work, card reading, crystal healing, or other intuitive based modality.
Anyone seeking to become professional Psychics, or Psychic Mediums, to bring forth messages for others.
And begin to tap into your natural inner knowing.